Who thought we would live to see the day when we couldn't get toilet paper for love nor money? Strange times indeed.
But luckily there are some simple, reusable products out there that can save us a heap of cash and stop us panicking about running out.
We can actually buy or DIY all sorts of reusable products that don't run out from nappies and make up remover rounds to toilet paper - yep toilet paper!! - cleaning wipes, paper towels and dryer sheets.
And whilst saving us money - and our sanity - these reusable products actually help save the planet as well by cutting down on all our crazy waste.
So before you scour the stores for more stuff to stockpile do check out this list of simple tips and ideas for reusable products. They're all eco friendly but as importantly right now they can help us all stretch our supplies and save our money in uncertain times.
I do hope these tips help. Do save them for later.

10 Money Saving Reusable Products
- Menstrual Cup : you never need worry about running out of sanitary products if you get yourself a menstrual cup. I swear by mine; its much more reliable than tampons and has saved me a small fortune. There is a bit of learning curve using them but if you're stuck at home right now its the perfect chance to learn with these handy tips.
- Cloth Diapers : cloth diapers or nappies are another zero waste product that can save you a small fortune if you've got a baby or toddler and give you the peace of mind of never running out. Again there is a learning curve but use these tips from other parents to get started.
- Reusable Toilet Paper : seriously yes!!! We may never have thought we'd come to this but heh, in the current crazy toilet paper shortage it's worth considering and when you think about it, its just like cloth diapers. Have small towel squares you use once for wee & then chuck in a cloth nappy bucket with natural disinfectant to wash later. You can get the full lowdown here from someone who's done it.
- Soap Nuts : OK so these aren't reusable but a one KG bag of soap nuts can see you through 330 laundry washes. That's a whole year's worth of laundry - good for even a long lockdown - and they work out at less than 3p a wash. And they can also be used to make washing up liquid. If cash and supplies are super tight this year, they could be a real money saver.
- Cleaning Cloths : disposable cloths are genuinely useful if someone in the house is sick. But the rest of the time they're just another thing to run out of and chuck money away on. And obviously they're enormously wasteful. You can buy reusable cleaning cloths or just make your own from old t-shirts & the like. Just chuck them in a hot wash once a week to kill germs.
- Unpaper Towels : paper towels are another crazy product in danger of running out right now that we've all got used to wasting money on but don't really need. I just make do with reusable cleaning cloths and newspaper to be honest but you can easily make your own unpaper towels even if you can't sew. It's a simple zero waste switch that can easily save us £100 a year and stop us worrying about running out.
- Wipes : disposable wipes for babies or round the house are convenient of course but we're chucking money away every time we use them. If you do want the convenience of ready to use wipes its easy to make your own reusable wipes for cleaning and babies.
- Dryer Sheets : dryer sheets are yet another product we've been convinced to waste money on buying again and again when we can easily make our own reusable sheets to soften laundry or buy dryer cubes that will never run out.
- Cotton Rounds : the last thing we need to be worrying about right now is trawling stores for make up remover pads or cotton rounds we're running short on. If you've got cash to spare you could buy reusable rounds and you'll be quids in in 6 months or so but can super easily make your own make up remover pads from supplies you have in the house.
- Handkerchiefs : disposable paper tissues are essential if we're sick but they are like gold dust at the moment. So to save money and stop running out simply make a stash of good old reusable handkerchiefs from old sheets, pillow slips or pyjamas and get everyone to use once before putting in a covered laundry bucket with natural disinfectant - you know the one you're using for reusable loo paper 😉 - and wash on a hot wash every couple of days.
So there you go, 10 incredibly useful reusable products that won't run out on us and that will actually save us a whole heap of money in hard times.
Do give some of them a go and let me know how you get on and please do spread the word. Simple practical projects like these can help at the moment, not least because they distract us from worrying.
For more easy ways to save money and cut waste try these:

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