We so need to remember.
Not because we will ever forget.
But to feel again the joy of special moments.
And the constant warmth of their love.
Rather than the haunting pain of loss.
And so we cling onto their things.
Scared we will lose our loved ones forever if we let go of their china or their jewellery or their books or their clothes.
Their letters or their pictures.
Their furniture.
Or anything they once touched.
But there is little joy in these collections.
For these days we all have so much.
And our own things have become a heavy burden we have neither time nor space for.
Holding onto a life time of stuff from our loved ones only increases our load.
We need to find other ways to remember.
That keeping the light of their love alive, truly strengthen us to live now.
And you know what?
There are so many beautiful memories still strong in our hearts that need only the slightest touch to warm us anew.
If we weave them into our days and our weeks.
And share them with a smile.
We can remember with true joy those gone.
So their love and their light lives on.
There are many lovely everyday ways to remember. You will find your own but try these ...
Lovely Ways To Remember People
- Dress in their favourite colour
- Sing - heartily - their favourite song
- Follow their best advice
- Sit in their special spot
- Enjoy their favourite movie
- Buy their favourite flowers
- Cheer for their team
- Repeat their corniest joke
- Tell people about their triumphs
- Wear their favourite perfume
- Read their favourite book
- Hum their favourite hymn
- Master their signature recipe
- Learn their favourite poem
- Pass on a skill they taught you
- Remember the silliest thing they ever did - and laugh out loud
- Share the memories they shared with you
- Walk in their foot steps
- Talk to their friends
- Make them proud
I do hope these bring joy.
And help you live in the light.
Fore more practical support letting go of things you have inherited from loved ones, have a look at my declutter resources.
These cover all the simple tips I've used to free myself from clutter.
Annie says
One day we had a fall out that ended with our house feeling cluterd - filled with junk. So I asked like what, and without blinking he said: your gran's mismatched tea set. It was the one thing she loved doing. So in that moment I knew that to show that I will always choose our marriage in my heart, I had to let it go. How would I keep her memory alive if I did not see something that reminded me of her? Go drink tea with the elderly lady across the street. I visit her at least twice a week. Gran would never wanted stuff to bring friction into my marriage. And she would smile seeing me enjoy tea with an old lady.
Alice says
That's such a lovely story. Thank you so much for sharing, Annie.