Many of us struggle to sleep well but sadly most sleep tips don't help.
We can't fall asleep quickly, we can't stay asleep all night and we certainly don't wake up feeling refreshed.
So why on earth don't sleep tips - or fancy beds or sleep gadgets - help us to get a good night's sleep?
Well the truth is most sleep tips ignore our basic physiology. None of their nonsense about restful routines and rooms will make a difference.
But some very simple things will.
And I have for you here the 6 very best tips for sleeping well naturally.
The first two on their own are transformative and it is unbelievable that most people don't know them!!
So read on & take action ...
Table of Contents
1. Get Outside First Thing

The single best way to sleep better is to get outside early in the morning.
In fact, it is almost impossible for us to sleep well if we don't.
This is very basic biology.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in our brain controls our sleep cycle. It uses light from special cells in our retina to set our body clock.
If we do not get daylight on our SCN early in the morning, our body will not know it is time to sleep at night.
It is as simple as that.
So totally ignore all the sleep tips about bedtime routines and slowly winding down, what you do in the morning is what matters.
Action 1 : Get outside for 20 minutes as early as possible.
2. Spend More Time Outside

The second key sleep tip we often skip is spending more time outside.
It's a must for waking up refreshed.
This is because time outdoors helps our body to produce enough melatonin in the evening both to:
- Fall asleep and
- Sleep with a steady rhythm of shallow and deep sleep waves.
Those regular REM / deep sleep waves are absolutely critical for our:
- Mind
- Digestion
- Inflammatory system.
All 3 clean themselves out as we sleep. Without good sleep we wake feeling clogged up and burdened.
Lots of light in the evening can inhibit melatonin release but for many of us lack of time outdoors is a bigger cause of poor sleep.
Action 2 : Truly enjoy at least a good hour outdoors every day. (Avoid melatonin supplements).
3. More Magnesium

Magnesium is to our hormones what vitamin D is to our immune system.
It keeps them balanced.
Melatonin - see tip #2 - is a hormone so magnesium shortfalls can block melatonin release at night.
But this does not mean we should saturate ourself with supplements!!
First check this magnesium deficiency guide to see if you could have a shortfall and if you do, rebalance your diet with more magnesium rich food.
Action 3: Eat magnesium rich food within a well balanced diet.
4. Less Exercise!

Sleep tip 4 will horrify many!!
You know your body doesn't have a chance in hell of sleeping well without burning off excess energy.
But that 5 mile run or hardcore gym session can sabotage your sleep.
Intensive exercise triggers high levels of stress hormones. High stress hormones block deep sleep.
So solving the 3 reasons we have excess energy is a better solution:
- Don't sit down all day
- Do at least an hour of physical labour every day e.g. cleaning, gardening, DIY, carrying shopping.
- Walk everywhere you can.
Then rebuild your exercise routine on top of that and balance out high stress and more relaxing activities.
Action 4: Move more, be careful to balance out stress exercise.
5. Heal Gut Pain

Gut pain - of all sorts - wrecks sleep. It can trigger a vicious circle of
- Pain & inflammation
- Which breaks the essential rhythm of shallow-deep sleep waves
- Which triggers more inflammation
- Which causes worse sleep etc etc.
So tackling gut pain is absolutely key to waking up feeling refreshed.
If you suffer with acid reflux, painful gas, constipation, IBS or an angry gnawing stomach then try the Triple-S Diet Plan to break the agony of the poorly gut-poor sleep cycle.
Action 5: Gently heal your gut.
6. Stabilise Sugar Levels

We all know sugary junk food keeps us buzzing and the sandman away.
And many of us struggle to sleep because we drop off mid evening due to erratic blood sugar.
But sleep-sugar dynamics are knotty and sugar is not always the culprit.
Poor sleep causes strong sugar cravings so better sleep from the first 5 sleep tips can help cut sugar levels.
This really can kick off a virtuous circle of better sleep - less sugar.
Action 6: Keep slashing sugar as you sleep better and better.
And there you have it, 6 completely critical sleep tips we so often ignore:
- Get outside early
- Enjoy lots of time outdoors
- Eat magnesium rich food
- Move more with less stress
- Heal gut pain
- Slash sugar as you sleep better.
They truly can transform your night so you get to sleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed.
Go get started today ...
For more simple but powerful healing tips follow me on Pinterest.
Original image sources : rawpixel.com & juaneedc
Emma Smith says
Hey Alice!
Great post and suggestion about drinking water in the morning before anything else! I add a few drops of lemon in it too and it seems to help metabolism and digestion throughout the day.
As a night shift worker, I have also found that avoiding the blue light by wearing specific blue blocking glasses makes a HUGE difference and has now has become part of our nightly (and daytime!) routines.
I totally agree with your phone points too. Charging our phones in a separate room from where we sleep has been a game changer but take a conscious decision and change of habit to be consistent. Starting the day away from a screen is pure bliss!
Emma - theothershift.com
Alice says
So glad you liked it Emma. It is SO hard the phone thing isn't it? But truly worth chipping away at because makes such a massive difference to quality of sleep.