Earache can be excruciating for kids and adults but quick home remedies can give relief to ear pain from a range of causes including that blight of the summer holidays, swimmers ear!
In this guide I'll take you through quick DIY remedies for earache caused by :
- Pressure Problems
- Ear Wax
- Sinus Congestion
- Ear Infection
And also explain how you can both relieve and prevent swimmer's ear.
I hope these home remedies help you relieve ear pain for kids and adults fast and tackle minor ailments causing the pain. Do save for quick reference.
Table of Contents
Medical Help For Earache

Painful earache does not always mean we have an ear infection or a serious ear problem BUT it can do. Ear pain can be a symptom of a severe illness.
Always seek urgent medical help for any of the following symptoms :
- Something stuck in the ear.
- Temperature over 102f/39c.
- Fluid coming out of ear.
- Swelling around ear.
- Change in hearing or hearing loss.
- Pain in both ears in kid under 2.
And see your GP or primary care doctor if anyone in the family has :
- Earache lasting longer than 3 days.
- Recurrent ear aches.
Be Careful With Ears
Our ear canal and drum are delicate and this is especially true in young children. Standard medical advice is not to put cotton buds or similar in the ear and to use ear drops with care.
Common Causes Of Earache

Common causes of earache include :
- Ear pressure balance.
- Excess ear wax.
- Sinus congestion.
- Ear infections following colds.
- Swimmer's ear - bacterial or fungal infections from water frequently sitting in the ear.
- Tooth infection & cavities.
- Change in air pressure.
- Tonsillitis & ENT infections.
It is usually possible to spot the underlying cause of ear pain in adults and older children e.g. we've :
- Had a cold with sinus congestion.
- Been swimming all summer.
- Got a dodgy wisdom tooth.
- Just taken a long haul flight etc.
But it can be harder to spot the root cause of earache in younger children.
Why Kids Get Earache

Younger children can be more vulnerable to ear infections and can suffer severe ear pain with tonsillitis.
But sometimes what looks like an ear infection isn't one. Young children's ears are less able to handle build up in ear pressure from :
- Blocked noses.
- Flying.
We should always seek medical help if kids have ear pain with fever, discharge or swelling but be aware they may be struggling to balance pressure and not have an infection needing antibiotics.
Quick Ear Pain Relief

Kids and adults can take standard age-suitable OTC painkillers for earache but there are quick ways to relieve ear pain that reduce the need for painkillers :
- Warm Compress
- Cold Compress
- Hot Water Bottle
- DIY Heat Pack
- Salt Pack
Warm Compress
- Soak a wash cloth / face cloth in warm but not hot water.
- Ring out well so not dripping water.
- Hold on ear for 10-15 mins.
- Repeat during day, alternate with cold compress.
Cold Compress
- Wrap an ice pack from freezer in a clean cotton dish towel / tea towel.
- If you don't have an ice pack, add ice cubes to a freezer or plastic bag and wrap that it clean cotton dish towel.
- Hold to ear for 10-15 mins.
Hot Water Bottle
You can also hold to your ear for 10-15 minutes a covered hot water bottle with water warm enough to give heat but NOT as hot as you would have it in bed.

DIY Heat Pack
Heat packs you can warm quickly in the microwave are useful for headaches, tooth ache, joint pain and period pain. If you don't have a heat pack you can easily make your own in minutes
- Find a clean old pillow case or fabric bag of some sort.
- It must be 100% cotton.
- Fill with 2 cups of rice or oats.
- Tie knot in pillow case to fasten it.
- Carefully heat your pack in microwave in 20-30 second bursts for 1 to 1.5 minutes.
- The pack should be warm not hot.
- Apply to ear for 10-15 mins.
Warm Salt Pack
You can make a warm salt pack in the same way as the DIY heat pack. Just replace rice or oats with 2 cups of :
- Coarse kitchen salt
- Or Epsom salts.
You may have seen recommendations to make salt packs and heat packs with socks but most socks these days are synthetic and not microwave safe.
If you don't have an old pillow case you can cut up an old 100% cotton shirt and tie into a pack with a strip of fabric.
Ear Pressure Remedies

There is a tube in our ear - the Eustachian tube - which is responsible for balancing air pressure between our ear and the outside world.
Flying, diving, under water swimming, colds and even changes in the weather can put it out of sync and cause a painful build up of pressure.
These very simple techniques can all help rebalance the pressure :
- Massage Third Eye
- Big Yawns
- Chewing Gum
- Humming & Singing
- Sleeping With Head Raised
Massage Third Eye
Massaging our third eye sounds ridiculously weird and whacky!!
All it means, is massaging the bridge of our nose between our eyes and our lower forehead. It is very gentle but can just give our ear the nudge it needs.
Big Yawns
Our ears and throat are connected so big exaggerated yawns stretching our throat can help trigger our ears to rebalance pressure.

Chewing Gum
Chewing gum provides persistent gentle movement that gives our Eustachian tube tiny repeated nudge to help it rebalance itself.
Humming & Singing
Curiously humming and singing can help relieve ear pain, sinus congestion and even digestive issues!!
Both stimulate our vagus nerve which helps keep our whole body in balance and trigger vibrations in our nasal and ear passages that can help relieve a build up of pressure. Who knew?
Sleep With Head Raised
Sleeping with our head raised makes it easier for our body to balance ear pressure. This is especially true for younger children whose Eustachian tube is still immature.
Remedies For Earache Caused By Sinus Congestion

Earache can be trigged by sinus congestion from colds. Colds trigger the production of extra mucus which builds up in our ear tubes and sinus congestion can unbalance pressure in our ears both of which cause pain.
These instant home remedies for sinus congestion can help reduce the pressure and pain quickly :
- Warm compress over bridge of nose and upper cheek bones.
- Foot massage.
- Gentle steam with warm water.
- Gargle with cayenne pepper water.
- DIY radiator humidifier.
- Chest and back rub.
- Sleeping with an onion cut in half on bedside table.
- Homemade herbal tea.
There are quick tips on all of these home remedies in this big guide to natural sinus congestion relief.
Ear Wax Remedies

A build up of ear wax can make us more vulnerable to ear pain from pressure problems and ear infections.
You can of course buy ear drops but can also make your own very cheaply and easily with kitchen supplies :
- Olive Oil
- Coconut Oil
Some home remedies include essential oils but personally, I avoid as benefits are unclear and there is a risk of painful reaction from sensitive skin in our ear.
Olive Oil Ear Drops
Many over the counter ear drops are actually just made from olive oil. To use olive oil in your kitchen :
- Fill clean ear dropper with a little room temperature olive oil.
- Tilt head or lie on one side with problem ear facing up.
- Squeeze 2-3 drops into ear.
- Massage ear gently.
- Keep lying down for 10 minutes.
- Gently wipe away any excess oil with tissue.
- Repeat 2-3 times per day.
Coconut Oil Ear Drops
Melted coconut oil which is a natural antibiotic and anti-fungal can be used to make your own quick ear drops in the same way as olive oil.
To melt the coconut oil :
- Add a teaspoon or so to a small glass bowl or jar.
- Put in or over a small pan of water.
- Gently heat water whilst oil melts.
- Test a spot of melted oil on your inner wrist to check it is room temperature, it must NOT be hot.
- Apply with ear dropper as olive oil.
Ear Infection Remedies

Ear infections are usually the result of colds, sinus infections and swimming. They can also be triggered by other ear, nose and throat infections e.g. :
- Tonsillitis
- Bronchitis
- Laryngitis
Ear infections resulting in fever, discharge or swelling always need urgent medical attention and may require prescribed antibiotics.
Minor ear infections caught early may be relieved with home remedies using simple natural antibiotics including :
- Onion Poultice
- Garlic Infused Olive Oil
Some ear, nose and throat doctors also recommend the use of hydrogen peroxide for minor infections.
Onion Poultice
Onion is a natural antibiotic traditionally used to unblock chest and sinus congestion in coughs and colds. To make an onion poultice for earache :
- Peel & chop an onion.
- Put it in a small glass bowl over a small pan of water on the stove.
- Heat gently until warm not hot.
- Wrap up in clean dish towel / tea towel or an old clean pillow case.
- Hold on ear for 10-15 minutes.
Garlic Infused Oil
Garlic is another natural antibiotic and anti-fungal traditionally used infused in olive oil as a remedy for ear infections.
- Mince 4-6 cloves of garlic.
- Add to small glass bowl.
- Cover with 2-3 tablespoon olive oil.
- Place bowl over small pan roughly one third full of water.
- Simmer water gently for ½ hour.
- Strain oil into glass jar with fine sieve or muslin cloth.
- First test a tiny drop for a few seconds to ensure no adverse reaction then apply 2-3 drops of oil to ear with ear dropper as with the olive oil ear drops.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Over the counter remedies for ear wax and minor ear infections often include hydrogen peroxide and some doctors recommend using it as follows :
- Use 3% strength hydrogen peroxide NOT anything stronger.
- Fill a clean ear dropper with 1-3ml of hydrogen peroxide.
- Apply a few drops for a few seconds then wipe away with a tissue.
- It should fizz but not burn. Don't proceed if it hurts in anyway.
- If no adverse reaction fill ear and leave for 30 seconds - 1 minute.
- Then tilt head over to tip out onto a tissue and gently wipe away.
Remember ear infections can damage ears and hearing and it is best to take personal advice from a qualified primary care practitioner.
Swimmer's Ear Remedies

Swimmer's ear can be a recurrent problem for regular swimmers and for any of us spending time in pools and the sea over the summer.
Repeat infections can be painful and can cause long term damage but there are simple ways to relieve swimmer's ear and prevent it in the first place.
Swimmer's Ear Symptoms
Common signs of swimmer's ear are :
- Sore, itching ear
- Redness inside ear
- Swelling behind ear
- Discharge
- Severe ear ache.
Always seek qualified medical advice if there is discharge or swelling.
Preventing Swimmer's Ear

We can help reduce the risk of swimmer's ear by encouraging the whole family to get into good habits to dry ears after swimming by :
- Tipping head both ways.
- Shaking head a little.
- Patting gently with towels.
- Exposing ear indirectly to a hair or hand drier on low heat setting.
But to prevent water getting in ears in the first place invest in :
- Swimming Ear Plugs
- Swimming Head Band
- Swimming Cap For Ear Plugs
Swimming Ear Plugs
Swimming ear plugs all basically keep water out of ears but come in a range of designs suitable for kids and adults.
The main choice is between :
- Soft silicone ear plugs you can mould to fit the shape of your ear.
- And ear plugs or seals.
You can pick them up cheaply on Amazon but it is worth looking at the top brands targeted at serious swimmers, surfers and divers as these really can make a big difference preventing swimmer's ear and don't typically cost so much more.
Key brands to check out include :
Swimming Head Band

You can pick up swimming head bands for kids and adults cheaply in sports and general stores e.g. Walmart.
The bands both help keep water out and swimming ear plugs in and some come with their own ear plugs.
Popular brands to look out for include :
Swimming Cap For Ear Plugs
You can get double protection for your ears by combining a swimming cap with swimming ear plugs and you can now buy swimming caps that have additional space for wearing ear plugs.
DIY Swimmer's Ear Drops

You can buy swimmer's ear drops to help dry ears and prevent infection but can make your own from :
- Rubbing alcohol
- White vinegar
To make swimmers drops simply :
- Combine 1 tablespoon each of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar in glass jar (not a plastic container).
- Fill a small clean ear dropper.
- Add a few drops to each ear.
- Keep mixture in jar with lid at room temperature rather than in fridge.
To take your DIY swimmer's ear drops to the pool, beach, camping etc it's worth investing in a few little amber bottles with built in pipettes.
And there you go, quick simple tips and home remedies to relieve earache, ear infections and swimmer's ear.
Do save for quick reference.
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