Jigsaws - it turns out - can be really good for us.
We CAN do such awesome things, us humans.
But NOT all day, every day.
We can create and imagine and make and order and care for and nurture and control and invent.
We can be brave and generous and disciplined.
But we MUST also have rest.
And NOT just sleep.
And physical rest.
BUT mental rest.
Where we sooth the mind with gentle repetitive actions.
And have the satisfaction of completion.
In very narrow boundaries.
The calm of a little bit of order in what sometimes feels like a world of chaos.
And that's exactly what jigsaws can do.
Offering our tired, frazzled brains in our busy, busy world, a little order in the chaos.
EXCEPT when that big pile of jigsaws spilling out everywhere or jamming up a cupboard - untouched for years - BECOMES part of the chaos.
So today we're going to let go of jigsaws that don't bring us order and calm ..
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Jigsaws
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on jigsaws
- Open our eyes to those we'll never do
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot any we're ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for those that are ...
- Too easy
- Too hard
- Too childish
- Missing pieces
- Done, won't do again
- Poor quality
- Dull
- Lost picture
- Mouldy - yikes!
- We NEVER do jigsaws
Now today seems like an easy declutter.
You spot those boxes, grab them, pop them in a charity bag.
And brilliant if it is.
BUT don't be surprised if for you - like me - it's not.
Many of us with clutter issues are secret perfectionists.
You'd never guess it by our mess but we are.
And one of the reasons we have clutter is because we want everything to be totally ordered.
And find it hard to make compromises when it's not.
SO for me, letting go jigsaws IS hard.
Because I KNOW somewhere in all our clutter are ALL the missing pieces to ALL the jigsaws we own.
And my instinct is to hold onto those jigsaws until I find each and every one of them.
And so I create this enormous bottle neck of clutter.
That I am READY to let go.
ONCE I find the missing pieces.
And that's not great.
Because I lose all the momentum and power of a simple daily declutter.
Our search for order can be a great strength.
But we have to recognise when it is hurting us.
Forgive ourselves for what just "feels wrong".
And let go.
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And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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