We want to grow things we can eat.
Daughter likes peas. Sort of. So we are growing them.
Even though people tell us they can be tricky.
We planted lots in our little plastic greenhouse.
The seeds were fun to plant because they were nice and chunky and easy to handle and to count.
We peep in, in excitement throughout the day to watch them growing.
We noticed the pea seed stays in place, the root and stem growing from it. Unlike the kidney bean which clung onto the top of the stem and leaves until finally discarded.
The peas are ready to go out but I forgot how to tie a tripod.
I'm sure I knew once long ago.
Planting Notes:
Mid March is the time to start sowing peas so it's a good activity for the Easter holidays.
For speedy action, soak peas for an hour or before planting and they should germinate quicker.
They can grow to 6 foot so you do need trellis or decent bean poles to tie them to.
Like lots of plants, the more you pick, the more you'll get and you do want to pick when the pods are still nice bright green else the peas will be too big and hard.
Good luck with your growing. Do let me know how you get on.
And for more green-fingered ideas do check out my other gardening with kids posts.
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