There's something lovely, isn't there?
About rows of jars & bottles.
Masons. And Kilners.
And just plain old jam jars.
Full of yummy stuff.
UNTIL they've been there just that bit TOO long.
Months after they were opened.
Or - yikes - years on.
And THEN they taunt us.
Don't they?
Reminding us every day of just how wasteful we are.
And then to avoid the guilt.
We carefully ignore them.
La la la. I can't see you.
AND we buy more.
Or make more.
So today we're going to face up to what we're NOT going to eat. What is probably NOT safe to eat. And declutter jars & bottles from the pantry and food cupboard ...
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Bottles & Jars
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on bottles & jars in our pantry or food cupboard
- Open our eyes to food that's been there too long and will NOT get eaten
- And without yanking stuff out - just push it to the side to root to the back
- Spot any we're ready to let go
REMEMBER focus and keep it short and sharp.
We're NOT doing the whole pantry!
Look out for:
- Jam, jelly & honey
- Spreads
- Pasta sauces
- Vinegars
- Oils
- Soy & spicy sauces
- Ketchup & table sauces
- Olives
- Pickles & preserves
- Fruits
... and ditch what you won't eat.
I know it feels like waste.
It IS waste.
BUT if it's not edible.
Or you're not sure it is, so you can't give it away.
And you know in your heart of hearts it won't be eaten.
It IS better to ditch it.
It will cut waste going forward.
Obviously, just because it is easier to see what needs eating and buying when there's less in the cupboard.
BUT bizarrely also it helps us stop feeling so anxious and guilty about waste.
And anxiety and guilt lie behind lots of our OVER shopping for food.
Getting past them makes it easier to just buy what we need.
To just buy what we will actually eat.
A big well done for anything you let go.
But for an extra little nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
I threw out jars of chutney.
Chutney I made myself.
Chutney I laboured over.
Probably still just about edible chutney.
But chutney I knew in my heart of hearts we would never get through.
BECAUSE however lovely it was we're just not really a chutney eating family.
Jam yes. We make loads. We eat loads.
Chutney. I liked the idea of eating it.
And that's a problem a lot of us have with food.
We fall for the idea.
The pretty packaging. The clever marketing.
The fancy oils and jellies and pickles and olives.
The complicated recipe.
Something different. A bit special.
Lots of it lovely.
BUT it's NOT us.
So next time you're tempted by a treat.
Try spending extra on your favourites.
Great meat. Good cheese. The best bread.
Whatever you love most.
And enjoy it there and then.
Rather than wasting money on pretty packaging.
Or a fancy idea.
That will only sit and taunt us for months to come!
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