Me neither.
I did manage one of those princess cakes.
Three birthdays running.
BUT it took me ALL day.
And quite a few large glasses of red to calm my nerves enough to conjure up something that didn't look like the dog's dinner!
And that's the thing, isn't it?
To be any good, you have to practise.
And do it pretty often. And most of us don't.
BUT we still stock up on ALL the gear.
To be used 3 or 4 times a year at most.
And spend the rest of the year cluttering up a shelf along with lord knows how many years worth of leftover cake papers and cake toppers.
So having let go baking clutter yesterday we're focused on cake decorating clutter today.
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Cake Decorating
As always …
… we’re sticking to our 5 golden rules …
- Take 5 minutes or so – 15 minutes MAX
- Focus on cake decorations
- Open our eyes to the little used
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot anything we’re ready to let go
And we’re going to look out for any of these we'll be happier without ...
- Cup cake papers
- Birthday candles
- Cake toppers
- Cake figures
- Icing bags
- Icing nozzles
- Icing syringes
- Icing knife
- Icing cutters
- Cake smoother
We don't have to declutter the lot.
Just the stuff we're ready to let go.
BUT remember as we said yesterday, if you do need it in the future you CAN always borrow it!
Now get anything you're letting go into a charity bag, the bin or recycling.
If you would like a little extra nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
We want parties to feel special don't we?
Nowadays that often means picking a theme.
Which usually means leftover cake papers etc.
That we NEVER use up because next year's party has to be all different again.
Else it won't be special will it? Hmm ...
BUT then we don't throw them away because we feel guilty about the waste.
And we're not really wasting stuff by keeping it tucked away in a box unused for years, are we?
Again, hmmm ...
... and two little questions for us that help:
- Do things always need to be different to be special? Or aren't they sometimes more lovely for being the same?
- Who can I pass it on to?
Simple questions but super powered.
Because they gently nudge shopping habits.
And our instinct to hoard.
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