Good knives make a difference. Don't they?
A shoddy blade. Or a blunt one.
Just doesn't cut it!
BUT they need looking after.
And when you've got a block on the work top.
And more in the drawer.
Plus a bunch of cutting gizmos in a jar.
It's too easy to end up with a kitchen full of knives and slicers and corers and whatnots that don't cut the mustard!
So today we're going to let go of some of these, so we CAN actually care for the good stuff.
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
As always …
… we’re sticking to our 5 golden rules …
- Take 5 minutes or so – 15 minutes MAX
- Focus on our knives
- Open our eyes to the not so great ones
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot anything we’re ready to let go
We're going to look out for ...
- Knives that don't cut & can't be sharpened
- Multiple knives of exactly the same size
- The fancy knife we don't use
- Slicing & cutting gizmos that never did work
- Broken gizmos with missing pieces
And see if we can find any of these we will be happier without …
- Chopping knives
- Carving knives
- Bread knife
- Knife block
- Knife sharpener
- Kitchen scissors
- Pizza wheel
- Apple coarer
- Egg slicer
- Mezzaluna
Put any you're ready to let go safely in a box in your charity bag.
You may want to call your favourite donation place to check they will take them.
However many you let go, well done.
Day by day it all adds up.
Remember lettting go 10 things a day on averge is 3,650 a year!
And that IS life changing.
But for an extra little nudge now, read on.
A Little Nudge
One of the most common beliefs that stops us letting go of knives and the like is:
- They don't take up much space
BUT clutter's funny like that.
Lots of small everyday clutter causes BIG stress.
In the background our brains are actually having to work super hard to filter out the noise from ALL the stuff we're ignoring.
This is a good little test to do.
You've got a few minutes spare.
Which are the knives worth sharpening?
Did you pick the great blades that do lots of different jobs well? These ARE your keepers.
Let go of the rest.
Not worth caring for, not worth keeping.
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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