Pretty nail varnish.
In ALL the colours of the rainbow.
We only ever wear the same two.
And most of the rest are gunged up.
And disgusting.
As is the small museum of emery boards and nail files we've had on the go since who knows when!!
So today let's declutter any nail stuff that isn't truly making our tootsies look lovely ...
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Nails
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on nails
- Open our eyes to the unused AND grotty
- And without yanking stuff out
Let go of some of these ...
- Nail brushes
- Nail scissors
- Emery boards
- Nail varnish
- Nail varnish remover
- Base & top coats
- False nails
- Nail file
- Nail treatments
- Manicure sets
Grotty stuff does need binning.
But someone doing a charity nail polish at the school fete might make good use of decent stuff you just don't use.
It might seem a faff to find out.
And certainly shouldn't be a big project.
But its a lovely little habit to get into.
Thinking - I don't use this.
And asking around - can you?
Somehow, it's good karma 🙂
We let go of clutter quicker.
Waste less.
And make someone else happy.
All good.
But for an extra little nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
ALL the colours.
Every possible shade.
It's wonderful to have so much choice.
Isn't it?
Choice is lovely.
BUT lots of us - including our children - feel overwhelmed.
SO much choice.
Every day. All day.
In the stores. In our homes. On our phone.
Is actually making us anxious.
Then we feel stupid for anxiety about such little things.
We blame ourselves. Again.
BUT it's not our fault.
It seems us humans are just NOT wired for endless choice.
By living with less.
Day by day.
We can start to resist these fake choices.
In our homes. And in our lives.
And enjoy the peace and calm of simplicity.
Letting go of a whole load of nail varnish colours might seem a tiny change in a mountain of clutter.
But it's a starting step.
In learning to choose simplicity.
Above all else.
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And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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