Have you ever looked on Pinterest?
For clever ways to organise your spices?
You'd never believe how many tricks there are.
That will tame our spice chaos.
Supposedly!!! But don't.
Because most of us cook in a hurry scurry.
When we're tired. Or out of time.
And are just NOT that organised. Under pressure. And you know what?
The real solution is simply to have less stuff to make such an unholy mess with.
AND this is true in all those corners of our homes where we just have far too many little things to "organise".
Never mind keep organised!
So today we're focusing our daily declutter on spices, flavourings & associated gizmos.
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Spices
As always ...
... we're sticking to our 5 golden rules ...
- Take 5 minutes or so – 15 minutes MAX
- Focus on spice storage
- Open our eyes to the unused & expired
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot anything we’re ready to let go
Do chuck out expired spices.
But also keep your eyes peeled for any of these you have forgotten and unused ...
- Salt cellars
- Pepper cellars
- Spice rack
- Spice jars
- Pestle & mortar
- Oil bottles
- Drizzle nozzles
- Vinegar bottles
- Dressing shakers
- Flavour injectors
You won't have the lot.
Especially the crazier ones. But have you got something else daft you fell for at the store?
Pop those you're ready to let go in your charity bag. Or the bin. Or recycling.
And remember all these little things add up.
Build our inner strength to let go.
AND help us know less is lovely.
But for an extra nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
It's nice to have a choice isn't it?
But offering endless variety is NOW the big trick companies use to get us to buy more.
More AND more AND more.
More than we can ever use. More than we can ever enjoy. And more than we can ever care for.
So little by little we need to set boundaries. Boundaries the marketing tricksters can't cross.
Just set aside so much space for spices.
That's your space box for spices. Never let anyone CON you into going beyond it.
Establishing these little space boxes around our home is one of the most powerful ways to protect our space and control clutter.
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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