THAT drawer!!!
Well all have one.
Don't we?
Into which we shove ALL those teeny-tiny bits of could-be-useful-one-day stuff.
With no home elsewhere.
PLUS - to make it extra specially stressful - some actually incredibly important stuff.
We CANNOT afford to lose.
And then we get the joy.
Of rummaging through it.
In a rush.
Scattering stuff everywhere.
And cursing our families.
And ourselves.
And life in general.
BECAUSE we can't find THAT key.
Or THAT membership card.
Or THAT code number scribbled on the back of an envelope.
Or just a simple safety pin.
Or a paper clip.
Or a bit of blue tack.
WHEN we need it!!!
So today we're going to help ourselves.
Make life just that bit easier.
And cut down on the mass of surplus stationary supplies.
We have shoved in THAT drawer.
Or anywhere else in the house it's spilling out from ...
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're newo hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Stationary Supplies
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on stationary supplies
- Open our eyes to the huge volumes of supplies we have we're never going to use
- And without yanking stuff out in an almighty mess
- Spot the excess we could easily lose without worrying
Keeping our eyes peeled for old ...
- Staples
- Elastic bands
- Drawing pins
- Paper clips
- Bulldog clips
- Sellotape
- Glue sticks
- Blue tack
- Putty tabs
- Push pins
Put the excess in a box to go with the desk accessories we let go yesterday.
Then we'll add some more stationary clutter the next three days.
And by the end of the week we'll have a job lot of stationary to easily pass on.
NOW I almost never talk about tidying in just 10 things.
Clutter - for most of us - has nothing to do with tidying up.
BUT today's declutter was super quick.
And taking only a few minutes to roughly tidy THAT drawer.
Can calm our stress.
Just grab a couple of plastic tubs.
That will fit in the drawer.
And put anything important in one of them.
And the stationary supplies you're keeping in the other.
Doing just that will help us see each time we go to the drawer other tiny things we can instantly let go.
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And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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