Pest invasion.
Mice. Moths. Ants. Flies. Fleas.
Quick. Buy something. Anything.
Spray nasty chemicals around.
I'm sure it will work.
Hmm ...
Too often, not so much. Huh?
I talked yesterday about ALL the fancy cleaners I had stashed - unused - under my sink.
The other thing I collected. Under there.
Was pest control products.
You name it. I bought it.
BUT I still had a pest problem.
BECAUSE our oh-so-cluttered homes are nigh impossible to dust and clean.
Even basically.
And BECAUSE old food in cupboards. Piles of unworn clothes. AND dust factories under beds are breeding grounds for every pest going.
The BEST way to control pests is a simple home, even muppets like me can clean easily.
So today we're heading back under the kitchen sink or wherever you store pest control.
And looking for all those pest control products that just DO NOT work ...
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Pest Control
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on pest control
- Open our eyes to the stuff we know is hopeless
- And without yanking stuff out too much - just shuffle stuff about a bit to see what we've got
- Spot anything we can ditch
Look out for any of these ...
- Mouse traps
- Mouse trap bait
- Ant powder
- Fly spray
- Wasp spray
- Moth traps
- Moth balls
- Moth papers
- Flea powder
- Insect repellent candles
PLUS any other totally hopeless pest control products you've fallen for.
Let them go.
And enjoy the extra space.
It might seem tiny today.
BUT making that difference everyday transforms our homes.
And gives us the simplicity we all yearn for.
Without us getting overwhelmed. Along the way.
So big well done.
Come back tomorrow for more.
Or for an extra little nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
Pests are a problem. I know it. Believe me.
One day I will share my worst story ever.
Warning: you NEED a strong stomach!
BUT often the answer is NOT chemicals.
But simple prevention.
And a household basics like white vinegar & baking soda.
That can do 100 other jobs as well.
So SAVE space AND money!!
For specific pest problems check out these tips:
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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