Inflammation is complicated and sadly, we cannot totally fix it fast but there are speedy solutions that help.
And some of the fastest ways to reduce inflammation in our bodies are actually surprisingly simple.
So if you suffer with inflammation make sure you don't miss out on the anti-inflammatory tips I have here.
They are a quick way to start easing inflammation all over our bodies that truly can relieve pain and suffering.
Do bookmark or save on Pinterest for quick reference.
Medical Disclaimer
This post does not give qualified medical advice. Inflammation can be a symptom of serious illness.
What Really Causes All Our Inflammation Issues?

Inflammation comes in many forms.
And we all experience it as our own special mish-mash of different inflammatory conditions such as :
- Psoriasis
- Gastritis
- Heartburn
- Back pain
- Joint pain
- Raised glands
- Headaches
- Diabetes
- Colitis
- Arthritis
- Sinusitis
- Constant infections
- Food intolerance
- Assorted auto-immune issues.
All these different symptoms are red flags that our immune system and our hormones are off kilter.
Genes play a part but the underlying problem is almost always we are :
- Saturated with some stuff
- AND short on others.
Guzzle-gorging on one hand and skipping key nutrients on the other leaves our body feeling threatened.
Under attack, our confused bodies get angry and flare up, painfully.
We're told anti-inflammation diets will help but often they're a disaster!
The Problems With Most Anti-Inflammation Diets

The best anti-inflammation diets succeed by tackling our :
- Saturation e.g. sugar, acid
- AND our shortfalls e.g. iron.
But these diets often fail because:
- One size NEVER fits all
- Or they unbalance our bodies more
- Or they are just too tricky & grim!!
Mediterranean Diet
The much touted Mediterranean Diet for example, is meant to be anti-inflammatory but is a sure fire recipe for flare ups for many of us with :
Fodmap & Keto
On strict denial diets like Fodmap & Keto we can all too easily end up:
- Saturated with new food
- And short on different nutrients.
So our body still feels under attack and flares up all over again.
Extreme diets like GAPS can get to the bottom of our inflammation but may just shove us down a grindingly grim rabbit hole of obsession from which we struggle to escape!!
So what can we do?
Long term we need to nurture our own sustainable habits to tackle :
- Saturation & shortfalls in our diet
- AND heal damage we have done.
But short term we can act fast.
The quickest ways to reduce inflammation in our bodies are super simple but often ignored.
Easing Inflammation Fast In Less Than 21 Days

These anti-inflammatory tips truly can ease inflammation in 21 days.
They are totally FREE.
And do NOT involve any fancy food, pricey supplements or new gadgets.
They simply help us to reclaim our lives and our bodies for ourselves.
1. Get Up & Out Early

Our bodies go through a natural anti-inflammatory cycle daily.
It's called deep sleep.
But our bodies only run this cycle if daylight hits our brain early in the morning and sets our body clock.
Many of us have missed out on this for years so it is no surprise our bodies are eaten up by inflammation.
ACTION 1: Get a big blast of daylight and fresh air every morning as early as you can.
2. Enjoy Time Outside

Daylight also feeds us two of the nutrients most critical in balancing our immune systems & hormones:
Vitamin D is controversial. We don't need much but we don't get much!!
Stuck in offices & factories all day we miss the 15 to 30 minutes we need every day from spring through fall.
Supplements and a week in Spain don't make good our daily shortfall.
There is an incredibly easy solution.
ACTION 2: Get outside for 30 minutes on every lunch break.
3. Slash Sugar

We all know about sugar & diabetes.
But sugar saturation is also the secret villain behind the searing pain of everything from bad backs & psoriasis sores to colitis ulcers.
Is is NOT worth the agony!!
And slashing sugar is one of the fastest ways to ease inflammation.
So say NO to cookies and all the secret sugar hiding in :
- Breakfast cereals
- Low fat yoghurt
- Ketchup & salad dressing
- Pasta sauces
- Pre-packed coleslaw
- Vegan ready meals
- Packaged soups
- Cereal bars
- Smoothies
- Kombucha
- Baked beans etc
The benefits hit in less than 21 days.
ACTION 3: Say NO to the suffering caused by sugar saturation.
4. Give Up Diet Sodas

Sugar full sodas are obviously evil!!
But diet sodas are also inflammatory because they contain sweeteners like aspartarme and are very acidic.
They are one of the most common triggers for painful flare ups from :
- Acid reflux
- Gastritis
- Colitis
- And arthritis.
It is effectively impossible to ease the agonising inflammation of acid reflux or colitis whilst drinking diet sodas.
ACTION 4: Do NOT be conned by diet sodas. They cause pain.
5. Gently Shift Your Bowls

Constipation is often seen as a sign of inflammation but is also a cause.
Regular bowel movements balance our hormones by clearing waste.
Backed up waste is especially inflammatory for women going through periods or perimenopause as we must excrete used oestrogen.
But blasting our bowels with big bowls of bran makes things worse!!
ACTION 5 : Use very gentle constipation remedies to keep your bowel movements regular.
6. Move Much More (And Worry Less About Exercise)

Intensive exercise is often not the answer to inflammation as it triggers stress hormones like adrenaline.
Most of us just need more movement daily so we don't sit down all day!!
Walking, gardening, cleaning, playing, dancing, mending, sweeping, building, fixing, polishing, washing etc are the real solutions.
We can be active enough to ease inflammation simply by :
- Walking everywhere we can
- Taking 5 minute active breaks for every 40 minutes sitting down
- Doing at least an hour's physical labour daily & ideally 2
- Being active with our family.
ACTION 6 : Quit pretending to exercise & actually enjoy being more active every day.
7. Stop The Stress Monster Stealing Precious Sleep

Stress hormones hinder healing but hectic lives push them ever higher and screens send them soaring!!
Soaring stress hormones stop us sleeping and then sleepless nights set off more stress hormones ...
... it's a nightmare of a vicious circle.
To cut inflammation fast we need a rest from our adrenaline overload :
- Sleep better (see #1)
- Wind down without screens
- Go an hour a day screen free & build to 2 and then to 4
- Have screen free days weekly
- Enjoy a day of rest weekly
- Say NO to stuff
- Do less diary cramming
- Leave some time slack
- Stop being competitively busy.
ACTION 7 : Stop the screen fuelled stress monster stealing your precious sleep and get real rest.
8. Go Fake Food Free

Processed foods and ready meals are saturated in inflammatory :
- Sugar (in all its disguises)
- Fake colouring
- Fake flavours
- Fake fats
- Fake protein
- Preservatives
- Acids
- Salt
- Indigestible grains
- Nutrition free calories
... and short on anti-inflammatory ingredients we all desperately need.
But healthy home cooked meals feel hard when we are juggling so much.
The easiest way to cut down on inflammatory fake food is to always cook double and freeze a portion.
21 days fake food free will help lower our inflammation even further.
ACTION 8 : Go fake food free by cooking double portions from scratch & freezing one.
And there you go, 8 super simple actions that cut inflammation fast :
- A blast of daylight early
- Enjoy an hour outside every day
- Slash sugar (including hidden stuff)
- Ditch diet sodas
- Gently shift your bowels
- Move more throughout the day
- Stop screen stress stealing sleep
- Go fake food free by cooking double & freezing portions.
They can ease the pain of all sorts of inflammatory issues and create the space for our bodies to heal.
I hope they help you as they have me. Do let me know how you get on.
Do bookmark or save on Pinterest to come back to.
And for more core tips for healthy living tips easy DIY explore my other natural remedies posts and follow me on Pinterest.
Original images under license from rawpixel & Creative Commons from Mark Bonica.
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