I love it.
That moment every day in December.
When the post arrives.
And envelopes in all shapes and sizes.
Pop through the letter box.
Bearing Christmas cards.
And messages of love and friendship.
From people far away.
And connections made long ago.
Knowing we're remembered.
Knowing we've been thought about.
Truly does bring joy, doesn't it?
And so it can be hard.
After Christmas.
Can't it?
To just chuck out all those cards.
Those simple signs of friendship.
BUT then over the years.
They build up.
And before we know it we've got a box full of them.
PLUS all the left over cards we never sent.
And mean to use up every year.
But never do.
Because we can't find them.
Or their matching envelopes.
In our furious frenzy of Christmas preparation.
As last posting day looms.
AND then there's the old photo cards.
From five years back.
Or the cards the kids made.
When they were small.
They were ALL special at the time.
In their moment.
They ALL carried love.
BUT if we are honest to ourselves.
We won't look at them again.
And we wouldn't find that same connection.
If we did.
Because friendship doesn't live in the past.
It needs - where it can - to be renewed.
So today we're going to let go of old Christmas cards.
AND we're going to take a moment.
To think how we can renew our friendships.
Not on Facebook. Or email.
But with a real letter in an envelope.
Old school.
Or a post card. Or a call.
And where we can.
Time put aside - from our crazy, hectic schedules - to meet.
Or for those whose time has gone.
With richer remembrance.
In our daily lives.
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Christmas Cards
So this is day seven of my 10 day Christmas declutter series.
To get the most from the series it is best to start at the beginning.
Today we'll go to the Christmas boxes and bags we got out on day one.
Or wherever you've got old Christmas cards squirreled away.
And then stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on Christmas cards
- Open our eyes to the battered and broken
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot any we're ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for ...
- Cards people sent us
- Used gift tags
- Cards with no envelopes
- Envelopes with no cards
- Cards we were going to make into a gift tag but never did
- Cards too scruffy to send
- Gift tags too tatty to use
- Handmade cards the kids made 5 years ago
- Old photo cards
- Round robin letters
Get them in the recycling.
Or if you worry about waste.
Pop them in the Christmas donation box we started on day one.
There may be a local teacher or play leader who genuinely could make use of all these old Christmas bits and bobs with their class.
If you DO hold onto any unused cards.
Then USE them.
And do NOT buy more until they're written and sent.
Well done for everything you let go.
Remember all these little bits of clutter add up.
And by letting them go we free ourselves of the enormous burden of clutter that builds up at Christmas.
When you're done with today's declutter.
Do take a moment.
And contact a loved one.
Give them a call.
Write them a letter.
Arrange to meet up.
And take a moment tomorrow and the next day to do the same.
Week in, week out.
Right through til Christmas.
Because sharing our love with others.
Fills us up deep inside in a way no amount of Christmas clutter ever could.
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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