How can it be THAT hard?
To find a pen.
That works.
WHEN we need to sign that school form or a birthday card or an urgent cheque?
WHEN we ALL have homes full of a zillion and one different biros and felt tips and sharpies and markers.
And I know.
I am NOT the only mother in the world.
To turn up at a meeting.
And realise that none of our zillion and one pens have made it into my bag.
And that if I do need to write anything down.
I’m going to have to do it – in front of everyone – with my two year old’s green crayon.
Which is the ONLY writing implement I have – for reasons unknown – brought with me.
DESPITE having a home FULL of pens!!!
Though to be honest, it’s NOT just pens is it?
This a common clutter problem.
The MORE we have of any item.
The harder it is to find one – that works – WHEN we need it.
Most of the time MORE clutter means LESS useful stuff we can actually find.
So today we’re going to let go of excess pens.
INCLUDING the chewed up grotty ones that have run out of ink.
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things – Pens
We’re going to stick basically to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on pens
- Open our eyes to just how many we have!
- And without yanking stuff out
Kee our eyes peeled for grotty and multiple …
- Biros
- Sharpies
- Felt tips
- Markers
- Fountain pens
- Pen cartridges
- Ink
- Roller balls
- Gel pens
- Permanent markers
BUT as we did yesterday, we’re going to add a twist.
And apply a space box.
It’s very simple. And one of my favourite declutter tricks.
We just quickly decide on a special space we’re going to give to pens.
A tub. A plastic wallet. A pencil case.
Whatever works for you.
And ONLY keep as many pens as will fit easily in that space.
NO cheating 🙂
All the rest can go in the stationary donation box we’ve filled the last four days with desk accessories, stationary supplies, paper & envelopes and pencils.
Once we’ve added our excess pens to it, it’s ready to go.
Give it to a local teacher or club or play leader or charity.
Who will actually be able to use all that stationary that’s been going to waste cluttering up our homes.
Great job.
Well done for everything you let go.
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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