Are you a worrier?
I'm a worrier.
Lots of us are worriers.
About all sorts of things.
Big. And small.
And it's NOT a bad thing.
There's lots in life to worry about.
And worrying about what might happen.
Has kept humans alive. Throughout time.
But these days.
Worry is in danger of taking over our minds.
AND all those reference guides we buy to help us stop worrying are in danger of taking over our homes.
You know the ones I mean?
Health guides. Money guides. Legal guides.
DIY-if-the-roof-falls-in guides.
And the thing is. Unfortunately.
They don't actually stop us worrying.
BECAUSE mostly we don't read them.
Or DO anything with their information.
And in fact by adding to our general clutter.
They just all add to our general anxiety.
And the constant worrying.
Which makes so many of us miserable.
So today we're going to let go of unused reference books.
IF we do have a problem, the specific up-to-date information we will need IS available online.
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Reference Books
Right so here goes. Reference books.
We'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on reference books
- Open our eyes to all those unneeded, out of date or online OR where we just have more copies than we can do justice to
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot any we're ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for ...
- Legal guides
- Medical guides
- Finance guides
- Computing books
- Dictionaries
- Year books
- Text books
- Encyclopedias
- Thesaurus
- Bibles - a thought provoking one I know but can we really cherish lots of different copies?
You can donate them to charity if they're not out of date.
But if you've got a fair number you could trade them in on Amazon or sites like Ziffit.
However many you let go, it ALL helps.
The little things you let go everyday really do add up.
And clear space.
BUT decluttering just a little bit every day does more than that.
It can actually reduce our general anxiety.
AND help us worry less.
And when we worry less.
We ARE much less likely to binge buy and cling onto clutter.
It truly is a virtuous circle.
So let those unneeded reference books go today.
For more help get my FREE newsletter.
And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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