How on earth do we get that one simple thing we ALL crave so much?
A really good night's sleep.
Can it seriously be so hard?
It certainly feels like it doesn't it?
Stress and diet and exercise and too-much-tech take their toll and ARE hard to get on top of.
BUT we don't make it easier for ourselves with a bedroom full of clutter.
OR a long neglected bed.
That EVEN if made, gets used for laundry folding, storage and general dumping.
And THEN there's our night clothes.
That scrumpled ball oon the floor.
Or lost in the duvet.
Or the torn pyjamas.
Or marked nightdresses.
Shoved away in a drawer.
They're NOT a great invitation for rest and relaxation are they?
So today we're going to let go of all the never-worn nightwear we will be happier without.
If you're following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you're new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things - Nightwear
As always we'll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on nightwear
- Open our eyes to all that we forgot we had
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot any we're ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for ...
- Pyjama tops
- Pyjama bottoms
- Nightdresses
- Nightshirts
- Chemises
- Onesies
- Robes
- Dressing gowns
- Shorts
- Slippers
Well done for everything you let go.
Anything half decent can go in your charity bag with the previous days' jeans, sweaters and knitwear and anything else can go in fabric recycling.
Now nightwear may not seem like our biggest clutter problem.
And it may not be taking up huge amounts of space
But all these forgotten things drag us down.
Because they are not loved. And they are not looked after.
And they are crammed in a space they don't fit in.
And in our bedrooms they add to the chaos that clutters our brains and makes it so hard for us to sleep restfully.
Letting forgotten nightwear go is a symbolic flag in the ground.
We WANT our bedroom back for sleeping in.
And day by day, little by little, we're going to win it.
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And for daily five minute declutter prompts follow along on Facebook. Or just bookmark this index to all the prompts.
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